Handsome Photos of Eddie Peng's Huo Qubing

Ever since photos have been leaking out of Da Mo Yao film sets, we rarely have any high quality photos of Eddie Peng's Huo Qubing. To my pleasant surprise this morning, some high quality photos were posted on Eddie Peng's Baidu Forum. I'm just amazed at how good he looks in his nobleman wardrobe. The parted combed-hair and the male hair ornamentation transform Eddie Peng into a very sleek young gentleman with an aura of grandness and regality.

The overall style of his hair and robes actually remind me of Chen Xiao's costumes in Female Prime Minister. I wonder if they share the same stylist? I see some uncanny similarities in symbol designs on the costumes. Anyway, I just LOVE the dark royal blue robe! But hopefully the broad shoulders will look more natural onscreen.
One of my favorite scenes in the original novel - Jinyu dances to thwart off her rivals and to claim Huo Qubing as her man. I had imagine this scene to have a sexier dance move from Jinyu and Huo Qubing to be standing up. Huo Qubing looks a bit too timid in this shot. LOL. I expected a bolder move from this guy! Well... at least Jinyu has a change of hairstyle.

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