Tibits of Sealed with a Kiss' Mini-Movie Storyline

I've been doing some intense browsing on Chinese forums to scout more information about plot of the mini-sequel. Some fans actually went to visit the film sets. They were able to watch the cast shoot some of their scenes and posted online what they saw.

Basic Info:
  • Will most likely be released before Valentine's Day
  • Mini-movie completed shooting in 156 hours (6.5 days). Ying'er spent 80 hours on the set to shoot her scenes while Hawick Lau stayed 60 hours. I honestly hope this isn't an indication of their actual screen-time in the mini-movie. 
  • The original director and scriptwriter did not return to work on this project. The entire feel of the series/story will mostly likely be different. Don't have too high of an expectation!
  • Confirmed cast members: Hawick Lau (Mo Shaoqian), Ying'er (Tong Xue), Li Zhinan (Xiao Shan), Wen Mengxiang (Liu Yueying), Chu Hanlun (Zhang Zhiyuan), Liu Kenan (Zhao Gaoxing), Zheng Long (Wen Hao) and Angelina Ma Wei (new sexy looking character).
Tong Xue and Mo Shaoqian's Night Club Confrontation

If you want to remain spoiler-free for the mini-movie, I suggest you stop reading now.

  • Tong Xue returns from abroad. She and Mo Shaoqian spent two happy days together. 
  • Tong Xue and Mo Shaoqian will have to face a test/challenge of "life/death."
  • Mo Shaoqian and Tong Xue have a "bed scene"
  • Tong Xue wears a wedding band on her ring finger
  • Li Zhinan may play another character in addition to Xiao Shan. (Speculation)
  • Tong Xue gets kidnapped
  • Mo Shaoqian goes to a nightclub and flirts with a group of 20 women. Tong Xue tracks him down and confronts Mo Shaoqian in a gray bunny suit. I think it's a bunny suit. LOL. 
  • Tong Xue raises her hand to slap Mo Shaoqian, but he restrains her before she manages to smack his face.
A fan saw this scene being filmed and posted online:

Mo Shaoqian said in a calm, low voice to Tong Xue, "Why are you so annoying?" Then raised his voice to say, "Don't think that I spent two days with you and you can get too full of yourself. I was never short on my supply of women. Blah blah blah he continued with his insults. Tong Xue, extremely hurt by his cruel words, started to scream curses at him. "Mo Shaoqian, you animal (qin shou)! You deserved to go to hell!" Mo Shaoqian replied, "Thank you!" He then grabbed his wine glass and drank the whole glass of wine in one gulp. My gosh, so drool-worthily handsome!

"莫绍谦低低的说了一句:你怎么那么讨厌,然后嗓子8度提高:别以为我回来陪你两天,你就得意了,我从来不缺女人,巴拉巴拉一堆。人家童雪那个伤心啊,喊着骂到:莫绍谦,你就是个禽兽,你就该下地狱。人家莫绍谦回她一句:谢谢,拿起酒杯一口气喝完杯子里的酒,那个帅哟 "

 Angelina Ma plays a new character who tries to seduce Mo Shaoqian. We will see her flirt with him at a night club.

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