We have a very very good chance that Legend of Lu Zhen will air in May, possibly May 1st. The probability of it happening is nearing 90%. Hunan TV announced that Legend of Lu Zhen will be the next drama to air once their current modern drama finishes. Why hasn't Hunan TV announce an official date yet? Well....They tend to cut and edit episodes based on current ratings. If a drama does well in ratings, they will prolong the broadcast of the series by cutting shorter episodes and adding longer commercials. The modern series being aired right now has above average ratings, so I don't know how many episodes Hunan TV plans to cut for that drama series.
I have confidence that Legend of Lu Zhen will air this May. The heavy promotion and the release of the TV teaser trailers are official signs of its upcoming broadcast. Unfortunately, my excitement for this drama has severely waned. I'm still excited. But I have lost much of my obsessive fervor. Praying the story will be good enough to reignite my obsession!
Official TV Teaser #A
Official TV Teaser #B
New scene from the teaser trailer!