✿ Chinese Drama ✿ Sound of the Desert

Mandarin title: Feng Zhong Qi Yuan  风中奇缘/ Sound of the Desert (formerly Da Mo Yao 大漠谣/ Xing Yue Chuan Qi 星月传奇)
# Episode: 35 (?)
Genre:  Romance, historical drama
Release date: October 1, 2014, Wed./Thus. 10 p.m. Beijing time
Broadcasting Company: Hunan TV
Cast: Liu Shi Shi as Xinyue, Eddie Peng as Wei Wuji, Hu Ge as Mo Xun, Fala Chen as Qin Xiang, Han Dong as Li Jie,

Xinyue is non-Han ethnic girl who grew up among the wolf pack in the Gobi Desert. At the age of 8, she saved a stranded Han Chinese man in the desert. The man later became her adoptive father. Because of political circumstances, she was forced to flee to Jian'an, the capital of Southern Dynasty. Along her journey, she first meets the calm and kind Mo Xun, and later the handsome, cold, General Wei Wuji. Xinyue falls for the former, but was rejected. Despite being keenly aware of Xinyue's love for Mo Xun, the aggressive Wei Wuji incessantly pursues her heart.

Note: I really dislike the Hunan TV version. The station is infamous for brazenly cutting episodes ridiculously out of sync with the overall storyline.

Note: I didn't upload these episodes. You must use BaiduYun for fast speed.

I am definitely looking forward to this scene!

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