First Teaser for Zhao Liying and William Feng's new drama The Story of Ming Lan

I love original novel of The Story of Ming Lan and didn't feel too disappointed with the casting decision of Zhao Liying as the titular character Ming Lan. However, the casting of Feng Shaofeng or William Feng as Ming Lan's husband, Gu Ting Ye , was a huge disappointment for me. In my mind, Gu Ting Ye should be played by someone is oozing with onscreen masculinity like Wang Kai or Eddie Peng. Gu Ting Ye comes from a military background and actually established himself politically in the battlefield by supporting the next successor to the throne. I can't imagine William Feng as convincing accomplished military general. The interesting tidbits about the Story of Ming Lan are the supporting characters. The original novel was super long and filled with different story arcs. I may root for the story of a minor character instead. LOL

Even if I can't bank on William Feng's Gu Ting Ye to give me a poignant portrayal, I can at least count on Daylight Entertainment to give me a high-quality drama production. Daylight Entertainment is known for its dedication to details and production values. I wasn't disappointed in the production of Nirvana in Fire series so I have faith in Daylight Entertainment to give me some good execution of the supporting characters. I just love the art direction of their drama productions.

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