"Love of Kangmei" MV Starring Li Bingbing

Title: "Love of Kangmei" 康美之恋
Singer: Tan Jing 谭晶

If you like the "Love of Jiangnan" MV I previously posted, you may like this one even more due to the breathtaking rustic scenery filmed in Guangxi Province. The Jiangnan MV is more "picturesque" and painted, while karst mountainous backdrop in this video is definitely more raw and real.  The immensely popular Li Bingbing (from Forbidden Kingdom and the upcoming Resident Evil movie) co-starred with her college buddy from Shanghai Drama Institute, Ren Quan, to tell a simple idyllic love story in rural China.

 Again, this MV is a commercial after all. This time they're advertising medicine instead of biotechnology. Kangmei Pharmaceuticals Company is cleverly, in subtle and blatant manner, incorporated into the lyrics and storytelling.

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