Sealed with a Kiss Main Theme Song Revamped into Korean

MBC's current Wednesday and Thursday drama Arang and the Magistrate
While I was watching the Korean drama Arang and the Magistrate, I found one of the theme songs to be awfully familiar but couldn't pinpoint it in my memory where I had heard it before. I later realize it was Hawick Lau's Thousand Mountains in Sealed with a Kiss. Go figure. Somehow I'm surprised and not so surprised about the Korean adaptation of this theme song. Not surprised because the song was originally written by a Korean composer 刘英锡 or Yoo Young Suk. Hawick Lau also purposely went to Korea to get trained for the song and did the recording there too. Surprised because I did not expect MBC to use previously existing music material for their drama series.
Songwriter Yoo Geum Suk
Anyway, Yoo Young Suk revamped the instrumental and wrote new lyrics for MBC's new fantasy drama. Renamed "Love and Love," the song is now sang by the Queen of OST Baek Ji Young, who is blessed with a great voice. She also one of my favorite Korean songs called " " a few years ago. I personally prefer Baek Ji Young's voice over Hawick Lau's voice, but I like the instrumental of the A Thousand Mountain more than Love and Love. The instrumental in Love and Love is too subtle and mellow for my melodramatic taste.
Hawick Lau recording his song in Korea
If you've forgotten about Hawick Lau's version of the song, you can listen to it HERE.

Baek Ji Young's Love and Love

I am also following the broadcast of Arang and Magistrate right now. Unfortunately, I feel the series does not live up to its hype. I do not find the overall storyline to be very engaging. Reading about it is more fun than watching the drama episode by episode. I found the development of the mystery too draggy and just want to know the bloody answer to the mystery. If any of you want to watch a good mystery or crime thriller, I strongly recommend another Korean drama called Vampire Prosecutor. Watch Season 2 and skip Season 1. Though Season 1 is good too, but I think Season 2 is BETTER so far. A word of caution for the sensitive souls, Vampire Prosecutor is bloody...

Check out my favorite Baek Ji Young's Song "Love Is Not a Crime" from the SBS series Ja Myung Go
In case you are curious about the series featured in the above MV, I strong advise you to watch it only when you have a truckload FULL of patience. This series exasperated me like no other Korean sageuks (alright, maybe there quite a few sageuks that annoyed me). I love the premise of the story and I really enjoyed the first episode despite its depressingly low rating.  However, it took the story to forever to move forward and the characters just became SUPER annoying and underdeveloped. It started with a boom and ended in a blah.

P.S. Thanks Guess for inspiring me to write about this post.

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