Ending of SWAK Miniseries (Discussion)

After three weeks of snail-paced release of the miniseries, we will finally get to see how this greatly anticipated sequel will end in less than two hours. There is still absolutely NO news about the potential full TV series sequel. To be honest, I think I'm kinda drained out to feel anything at this moment. Whether this miniseries will give us a satisfying open ending or another crappy pothole, I really don't care as much as before. My official SWAK ending will always be what the author wrote in the epilogue chapter.

Anyway, I created this post for us to have a lively discussion on the last episode tonight. In the meantime, enjoy these GIFs of the ever suave and wickedly urbane Mo Shaoqian. =D

I just skipped to the last few minutes. Mo Shaoqian really lost his memory!!! Anyway, the tone of the ending is "hopeful" with both of them starting fresh again. The last shot is Mo Shaoqian and Tong Xue shopping happily for jade.

Well...the ending is happier than I expected...but still no pregnancy! Gosh darn it! The whole storyline for the miniseries is absolute BULLS*IT. I will just pretend it's not part of the main storyline and it's just a hideous nightmare that Tong Xue had.

Feel free to vent out your frustration, disappointment, anger, or what ever bottled feelings you have about this ending. I created this post to vent out my frustration...LOL

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