Female Prime Minister: Lu Zhen's Letter to Gao Zhan

When I was watching the 30-minute trailer of Female Prime Minister, I got really curious about the letter our handsome hero read before he started to spit blood all over the place. Luckily, someone on the Chinese forum managed to get a good screen capture of the letter and transcribed it.

If you are a curious soul and are just "dying" to know what the bloody letter says, I provided the English translation below. :P  Enjoy the short read!
"不要派人找我天下之大你不会发现我的踪迹,阿湛别为我伤心在我心中你一直是我的丈夫 ,对不起再见还有我爱你

阿贞 字"

"Don't send anyone to come find me. The world is boundless, you won't be able to find any trace of me.  Ah Zhan, don't grieve because of me. In my heart, you have always been my husband. I'm sorry. Goodbye, and I love you.  Ah Zhen"

Now, this letter really got me thinking whether Lu Zhen and Gao Zhan officially tied the marriage knot...at least in private. According to BTS photos I previously posted, they shot a wedding ceremony, but I have a feeling that "wedding" scene may just be a dream sequence. Every summary I read and the trailer seem to imply they never officially "married." Also, the trailer also seems to imply that Lu Zhen became sterile. Hence, Gao Zhan's sister's extreme disproval of their union. I hope I'm just reading too much into things and all the bad things I'm speculating will not come true! I'm already dying to know what happened.

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